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The Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office has begun the process of removing our county from under federal quarantine for the EGVM. For this process to be successful we need the continued cooperation of all residential grapegrowers: 1.) IF YOU DO NOT PLAN TO USE YOUR FRUIT: Prune all grape clusters from your vines. Place them in a closed yardwaste container. 2.) IF YOU DO PLAN TO USE YOUR FRUIT: You will need to inspect the entire vines for EGVM, and if infected, treat them with an organic insecticide like BT or spinosad to protect the fruit and stop the moth. KICK THE MOTH OUT! 56 www. n A PAVA L L E Y L I F Emagaz ine .com COURTESY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA A PROJECT OF THE NAPA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE. PHOTO: JACK KELLY CLARK STATEWIDE IPM PROGRAM Help end the EUROPEAN GRAPEVINE MOTH quarantine in Napa County: remove or treat your residential grape clusters

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