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High hurdles may be barriers, but your age doesn’t need to be! After 11 miles of obstacles, everything else seems pretty easy! For HealthQuest owner Tony Giovannoni, this meant rekindling his Fit’s high pole vaultingthrowrigorousat put. age ofheptathlon. Hehow to jumpinghetherunnationalaschool,tohighstartedhimsinceledlearnedfiftycompetedeventuallyThishavingthenotseven-eventshotandtheDespitetheagain,field.forandandtracktrainingofhurdleslovebeganand no accident! more personal in he decidedwayusestay motivated,as Director of PublictimefortoWorksexercisefreepeopleacquiredmanynewlyhisretiredofsomePetersontoBobtocompetition.Whenoneisage-basedreasons.ago,competitionyearsWhilechampionshipthree make his workouts more intense. He wanted to stay fit and make sure the rest of his life was as active and enjoyable as possible. He threw himself into there’s an old of it.” That’s states, “He who aimsitat mediocrity will Step,IKickboxing, Yoga, andretirement, and Isettingupone way for meflexibleget“I’vetosays,Hemoreandrunning.isstrongertookfeelandclasses,HealthQuestSpinThesinceremember.poundsevertencandroppedthanthehealthintolittlecomesofferthatwhentrueroutinesdailycertainlyhavethatusofsayingMostshortfitness.farfalland way of physical challenges. Without a determined effort to overcome together with others who have a similar drive to stay fit and healthy.” this deficiency, it’s easy to find ourselves in a place we never planned on Exercising regularly isn’t easy—it takes dedication and desire. But ask being—out of shape, overweight, and facing serious health concerns. anyone who is healthy and active and they will tell you it’s worth the effort. They’re ahead of the curve, and look younger, feel younger, and act younger Fortunately it doesn’t take a herculean effort to remedy this problem. than most of their peers. While that’s certainly an enviable place to be, it’s no Studies have shown that simply getting off the couch and walking twenty accident that they’re there. They’ve aimed high and fit’s been earned. to thirty minutes most days of the week will deliver tremendous health benefits. You can hike, bike, dance, or swim. . . just find something that ready to take charge of your future? you enjoy and go out and do it regularly. For those who want to aim higher and really challenge themselves, With our recent expansion and remodel we now offer more fitness options an exercise program can be even more fulfilling. There’s a tremendous than ever before. Come by and see how our diverse class program and great amount of self-satisfaction to be gained when one accomplishes a new equipment make it easier than ever for you to get exactly the results difficult task, whether that’s finishing your first fun run or skiing with your you’ve always wanted. grandkids. But abilities like those don’t just magically appear—they have to be earned with determined and focused effort. In September a big group of HealthQuest members, instructors, and friends traveled to Tahoe to face the Tough Mudder. This eleven mile obstacle course was set up by British Special Forces to test strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. Participants had to climb, jump, crawl through mud, even avoid electric shocks! They came back energized by the experience and very proud of what they’d accomplished. For those willing to put in the extra work, the pay-off can be tremendously rewarding. Exercise counteracts many of the negative effects we normally associate with aging. We’re seeing athletes in their forties competing at the Olympic level, and it’s common to see people decades older than heALThQuesT FITnessCenTeR that climbing mountains and running marathons. They’re still challenging 3175 California blvd. • napa, CA 94558 themselves and taking part in the activities they enjoy. Staying fit has kept (707) 254-7200 • them in the game. AdVeRToRIAL FeATURe N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 2 51

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