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Mike Gibson’s prized work: the green cabinetry above S E P T E M B E R / O C TO B E R 2 0 1 3 25 We continued to stroll among the beautiful landscape, finding more treasures in the Wornicks’ eclectic collection. Gibson explains to me that part of his job is to make sure everything is immaculate while blending in to complement the art pieces. The walk comes full circle when we come upon a thirty-foot stone structure made by an artist Wornick commissioned that he appropriately and simply named the Seven Stones. “I asked the artist, where is the poetry in that name?” he smiled. “It’s 110-thousand pounds of granite, polished on one side and hammered on the other side, with tons of concrete in the ground to hold it up. We have given it meaning. The image is used on our wine label.” Tours are available for serious wine collectors by appointment only. Gibson and Wornick look around. The 360-degree views are stunning. “This is my sanctuary above the Napa Valley,” beams Wornick. “I like the quiet here.” There is a mutual admiration between the men. Wornick has an aptitude towards woodworking that he inherited from his Russian carpenter father, and Gibson has developed an appreciation for fine art. Wornick’s original two-year project for Gibson has turned into a twelve years’ on-going maintenance project for the estate. “I’ve never intended to be a maintenance contactor, but I have learned it’s in my client’s best interest to have me come back and do touchups to keep my work fresh,” said Gibson. “I’ve built trust in my clients and they bring me into their homes. That’s the real thanks to me.” “My job is to bring any structure back to its original grandeur or build a solid foundation from the start.” 707.252.4322

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