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Contra Costa Marketplace - Nov 2015

November 2015 21 coaches. Anything you give is received even if it doesn’t always seem that way. • Coaching only takes about two hours twice per month with maybe one-half hour preparation time. And the program is designed for you to coach the same students throughout the school year. • Coach training is provided. And the site coordinator and seasoned coaches are always there to help. You still might feel unprepared on the first day, just as I did, but even if you forgot everything you learned in training, you won’t forget the cornerstone of the program which is “meet your students where they are”. And remember, the kids are new to this, too. • But best of all, you get to develop relationships with talented and interesting students. At first, they might seem uninterested in what you’re trying to do or in completing their assignment. But patience, persistence, kindness, and a sense of humor go a long way to establish a warm and personal relationship over the course of a year. • Even if it feels like you aren’t getting anywhere, you can never underestimate the impact you can have on a young person’s self-confidence. By showing them that they CAN learn, even if it’s the smallest indication, their lives can change. Your encouragement goes a long way. The simplest question about sports can get you started. My favorite student/coaching story is about Elmer. When I started coaching him, Elmer had long hair falling over his eyes and he always wore a hoodie. He barely spoke and never made eye contact. I called him my little turtle. But after about four months of struggling, our relationship blossomed and Elmer began to try to write. As he grew more comfortable, his writing improved. When it was time to write a personal essay, he was ready to do his best work. He wrote a poignant story about coming to America for the first time and seeing his mother after many years of separation. I could tell he had even used a Thesaurus to expand his vocabulary: “The planes on the runway were strident.” After each session, he shook my hand and said thank you. Before the end of the year, Elmer had cut his hair and no longer wore the hoodie. And he planned to go to community college. Being Elmer’s coach that year changed my life. This year more than 2,000 secondary school students in Alameda and West Contra Costa Counties are becoming stronger, more confident writers with the help of community volunteers recruited, trained, and organized as writer coaches by WriterCoach Connection. For more information on how to volunteer or be a part of this organization, go to:

Contra Costa Marketplace - Nov 2015
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